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Full name: Kari Lee Hickok

Family: Bob, Eric & Matt

Ministry Role:  Care Ministries Director

Dream vacation:  Venice

What's your regular order at Starbucks: Vanilla Latte

Favorite movie: Les Miserable’s

Favorite scripture:  "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God: and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6, 7

Things that fascinate me: God's life-changing truths and the miracle of how that transforms lives

People who inspire me are: Dennis Easter, Jack Hayford, Watchman Nee, E.M. Bounds, Dietrich Bonheoffer

Previous jobs: Secretary to Director of Information Systems @ Ventura County Superintendent of School; Graphics Department @ Ventura County Superintendent of School; Church Secretary @ Horizon Foursquare Church in Ventura

One thing that most people don't know about me: I used to enjoy riding both dirt and street motorcycles

I've been in ministry: 15 years.

When and where did you get saved: September 7, 1991 @ Horizon Foursquare Church in Ventura, California

Music that inspires me: Contemporary Christian

Favorite singer or band: Don't have one

Peeves: People's resistance to change

Life-changing moment: An encounter with the Holy Spirit that confirmed without a doubt that Christ is real and that there is a spiritual reality beyond what the human condition can grasp without God's revelation. 

Hidden talent: writing

Fears:  heights, wild animals

Favorite book: Pride and Prejudice

In my spare time I... like to read

Least favorite food: Brussels sprouts

What makes you laugh? My children

The most exotic place you've ever been to: the zoo

The most adventurous thing you've ever done: Ride across four states on the back of a motorcycle

Least favorite thing to do: housework